Bloom with Me!

Hello there, I’m Kendra! 

I am a passionate birth-keeper, a hormone enthusiast, and a cycle-syncing guru. I have a deep passion for everything involving hormone health, women’s wellness, and all things birth!

I was raised to view things with a more holistic approach. I have come to appreciate this way of thinking more and more over the years and have gradually worked to cultivate my understanding and knowledge. I am continuously learning new ways to improve my health, wellness, and overall lifestyle every day! 

I have gone through many trials and tribulations while working to heal my own cycle naturally and create a healthy hormonal balance. After a decade of researching, taking courses, and reading thousands of books and blogs, I have come to a place of peace and understanding. With the information I have gathered, I hope to create a warm, welcoming space for women to connect, share stories, and learn from! My goal is to share information for women of all ages so that they can make the best decisions for their health!